“Cramdown” Under Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN

Behm Law Group provides bankruptcy assistance for residents of the Mankato area.

When traveling somewhere, many people cram all sorts of necessaries in their suitcases. The idea is to compress space, yet take what you want. Under 11 U.S.C. Sec. 1322 and 1325, when applied to Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases, a cramdown of a vehicle debt conveys a similar meaning.

Let’s consider one example for folks in Mankato, MN. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd., would like you to imagine you take out a vehicle loan for $20,000.00 at 20% interest, and this loan becomes effective more than 910 days before filing for bankruptcy relief. At the time of the bankruptcy filing the vehicle is only worth $10,000.00. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case, you could cramdown the $20,000.00 debt to the present $10,000.00 value of the vehicle. In addition, you could cramdown the interest rate from 20% to 5%. Now, instead of paying the vehicle lender, you pay the Chapter 13 trustee the $10,000.00 at 5% interest. This means that you are no longer paying the vehicle lender directly.  Rather, the chapter 13 trustee pays the vehicle lender with the payments you make to the chapter 13 trustee but pursuant to the modified terms as denoted above.  At the conclusion of the Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you would get the vehicle title. You would have effectively crammed down or decreased the amount of your vehicle debt.

But, wait! Don’t rush out to buy a vehicle using Chapter 13 as a strategic maneuver just so you can decrease the amount of your vehicle payments, Mankato, Minnesota. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd., recognize there are stipulations for who can file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You may or may not qualify. You would still need a source of income to make payments under Chapter 13.

A cramdown is just one feature of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Of course, Chapter 13 isn’t the only type of bankruptcy either. Mankato, MN, feel free to call the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd., if you are experiencing financial difficulties. We’d be more than happy to discuss your options with you.

Bankruptcy Law Regarding Spousal Debts for Mankato Residents

Behm Law Group helps clients balance bankruptcy and divorce spousal debts.

According to Minnesota bankruptcy law, Chapter 7 bankruptcy differs from Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the handling of spousal debts during a divorce. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is for a liquidation of debt. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is for a reorganization of debt. Therefore, under Chapter 13, debts assigned to spouses in divorces are discharged. Under Chapter 7, that is usually not the case.

For Mankato residents, that means if a husband is ordered in a divorce decree to pay a $10,000.00 Discover Card debt that is in both spouses’ names with the other spouse being held harmless, the hold-harmless obligation to the other spouse cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7, but may be discharged in a Chapter 13. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd., state that if that same husband files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and Discover Card pursues the ex-wife to collect on the debt, and she pays something toward that Discover Card bill, then the husband is liable to the ex-wife for what she had to pay Discover Card. This is because the divorce decree held her harmless in that obligation. Had the husband filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, however, he could have gotten that obligation discharged as well.

Generally, debtors use Chapter 13 when they have enough equity in their secured assets to make this path worthwhile. These debtors must have a regular source of income and be able to make payments on any instituted Chapter 13 plan. The Chapter 7 option leads to a clean slate where heavy debt is eliminated, and none of it needs to be repaid.

This is just a snapshot of the decisions Mankato residents contemplating divorce need to make. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd., can help you navigate the bankruptcy laws affecting your situation. You see, bankruptcy is our specialty.

Divorces are difficult enough without adding confusion over how to handle debt. Make your transition to single life smoother by considering the options with Behm Law Group, Ltd. We can map out a plan together. Mankato, MN bankruptcy may not have been your initial goal, but if it becomes your reality, we have you covered.

The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. offer personal, practical bankruptcy advice in a non-threatening, compassionate manner. Call for a consultation today.

Mankato Residents: Is Bankruptcy Delaying Your Career Aspirations?

Behm Law Group understands the struggle between making money and following your dreams.

How many Mankato residents are avoiding bankruptcy by doing anything and everything, except what they are best at? What you are best at many times comes so easily to you, but you think you were destined to do something else. Sometimes what you are best at is what you should be doing. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. specialize in bankruptcy, because that’s what we do best.

We understand that sometimes, in this game of life, dreams have to be delayed a bit. But, don’t delay indefinitely. In fact, study your niche skill while you are working at that have-to job. Mankato residents, along with many others, fear bankruptcy. That’s normal. If you take the time to hone your gift and plan your course of action to give that gift of skill income potential, you won’t need that have-to job any longer. For now, you will be earning money by doing what you like to do. What is wrong with that? The more you enjoy what you do, the more ideas you will have on how to grow and to learn more. Behm Law Group, Ltd. can attest to that.

Find your niche, and you find your voice. Find your voice, and you discover your purpose. Purpose leads to potential. Potential maximizes dreams, but remember, nothing is perfect in this world. As a Mankato resident, if you find yourself facing bankruptcy along the way, turn to Behm Law Group, Ltd. It doesn’t mean your dream is dead. It means it needs a different path. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. want to help you discover that optimal path. One bump in the road doesn’t signify the end. It only makes the trip more exhilarating. As long as you learn and grow along the way, nothing should be able to stop your momentum.

Momentum equals small steps as well as huge leaps. Mankato residents, embrace your niche skills, and command your place in the world. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. have experienced momentum. We also understand devastation. If you fall into bankruptcy, we’ll give you a hand. We can hardly wait until you get to the forward momentum part. Cheers!

Don’t Want to Think About Bankruptcy This Christmas? Practice Some Smart Spending

Behm Law Group encourages Mankato residents to keep a budget and stick to it to avoid financial hardship this holiday season.

Christmas, you say? It’s not even Halloween yet! We know. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. want Mankato residents to plan ahead for the holidays. You will likely buy at least one Christmas present this year. Try not to make it an impulsive purchase. Expenses add up fast with impulsive buying, especially when you use your credit card.

This year, take the time to plan ahead. Decide the number of presents you will buy as well as the maximum dollar amount for each. Stick to your plan. Be alert to sales, and buy those items well before Christmas. Then, when everyone else is scrambling at the last minute and crowding the stores, you can relax, for that task has already been accomplished. No matter how much those holiday ads tug at you, resist the urge. Stick to your dollar limit. Maybe reward yourself with a walk in the park or with special family time with your loved ones. Behm Law Group, Ltd.’s attorneys value that special time, too. You can never spend too much time with loved ones. Cherish the memories, we say.

Just think, Mankato, you can avoid bankruptcy more easily by adopting stricter financial habits year-round. Just because you avoided an impulsive spending spree by the year’s end doesn’t mean you should switch gears for those other months. Regularly keeping your debt low will eventually become a habit you can be proud of.

Don’t promise to buy anything for anyone that is more than you can afford. Instead, try giving that person a special experience, with or without a small gift. Usually, experiences with sentimental value can mean more than some expensive gift anyway and, above all, show you truly care.

If Mankato, MN residents keep their Christmas debt low, they will be less likely to require the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. However, if overwhelming debt and financial struggles become the Scrooge of your holiday, please give us a call. Behm Law Group, Ltd. will help you turn that debt and specter of financial stress into the Ghost of Christmas Past.

A House Fire Can Lead to Bankruptcy: Fire Safety Tips for Mankato Homeowners

A house fire can produce devastating financial hardship. Follow these tips to protect your Mankato home from a fire.

Halloween can be great fun. Costumes and trick-or-treating cultivate grand memories. Two caveats are in order. First, watch those candles. Who hasn’t put candles in carved-out pumpkins or even on the windowsill? If left unattended, flaming candles can lead to large fires. Behm Law Group, Ltd. recommends either using flameless candles or monitoring the flames of the other variety. What Mankato, MN resident wants to experience bankruptcy due to fire devastation?

Please, enjoy the holidays. Just be careful. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may or may not be unscathed when an accident occurs. Even if the flame doesn’t touch a flammable object, the freshly melted wax is hot. Does the wax drip on wood, for instance? Not a good scenario. If need be, snuff those flames to prevent them from getting too hot. You can always re-ignite candles during dinnertime for that soft, flickering glow. Of all the things that could cause bankruptcy, Behm Law Group, Ltd. would hate for the cause to be a preventable accident.

Did you know, Mankato residents, that kitchen fires are one of the leading causes of destructive fires in the home? When you are making those gooey, spooky delicacies, be mindful of what you’re doing. Don’t keep the oven on when not in use. Don’t put something flammable on top of or in a hot oven. Attend to any appliance that’s in use. Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN is not fun. It’s even less fun when you know it could have been prevented.

Behm Law Group, Ltd. suggests you don’t light candles when you are tired. Once you sit or lie down after a hard day’s work, the lure to sleep can be overpowering. You wouldn’t want to awake to a burning home. Use caution. Be safe. Keep your home intact and bankruptcy at bay.

Sleep deprivation works against you when cooking, too. You thought you turned the burner off. But, then, maybe not. Don’t be caught off guard. Who wants to cook when tired, anyway? The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. wouldn’t. If you do happen to have an accidental fire, and bankruptcy looms in Mankato, contact Behm Law Group, Ltd. We can help you through the fright and fear of a ghoulish bankruptcy. Let us do our “tricks” and treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. And, above all else, have a safe holiday!

Who Files for Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN?

Behm Law Group explains that anyone could find themselves in need of a bankruptcy attorney.

Let’s explore what type of Mankato, MN resident is most likely to file for bankruptcy. What if we told you the person could be short or tall, male or female, rich or poor, or even hard-working? Maybe this person has a lot of debt. Maybe not. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. want you to realize that at a given point in time, that person could be you.

Certainly, poor financial habits can play a part in this scenario. Maybe people spend money they don’t have. Maybe Mankato residents could avoid bankruptcy simply by saving more. But, that’s a simplistic answer. Costs are rising faster than wages in most cases. People are living longer. In this uncertain economy, it can be difficult to predict how much money you and your family will need for future medical expenses and for retirement. The point is, Behm Law Group, Ltd. knows unforeseen circumstances can play a much larger role in determining which Mankato resident has to file for bankruptcy.

Natural disasters, layoffs, unexpected family changes, and unforeseen governmental policy decisions all contribute to the likelihood of bankruptcy for Mankato, MN citizens. You can punt, jab, swerve, and maneuver around it for only so long. In the end, if the money does not come in to cover your expenses, serious decisions need to be made. Consult the attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. to help you navigate this troubling terrain.

Bankruptcy can be emotionally devastating. Know that others have been there, and they have survived. Bankruptcy does not necessarily latch on to a certain type of person. Unforeseen circumstances do not guarantee you will be knocking on that door either. Behm Law Group, Ltd. knows it is a possibility – for anyone. If bankruptcy seems likely for you in Mankato, give us a call. We can help you with the services you need and the dignity you deserve.

Beating Bankruptcy With Affirmations in Mankato, MN

Behm Law Group believes in the power of positive thinking.

Affirmations can work wonders. They set the stage for positive thinking. As you straighten your tie, you think, “I’m great at what I do.” As you tuck in your blouse, you muse, “I’m a good person.” Then you wink and smile at the mirror. Mankato, MN residents faced with bankruptcy know the best days have yet to come. Challenges do not last forever, especially if you actively think of a brighter future.

The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. want you to imagine a dream you have always wanted. Write it down. Post a note on your mirror with your goal. Slot a time in your daily agenda for contemplating the future. Let your mind ponder the possibilities.

Sometimes, Mankato residents can get broad-sided with bankruptcy. Life’s circumstances can change through no fault of your own. Maybe life is tugging at you, trying to tell you there is something better out there for you. Usually when people have dreams, they never think they are attainable. Therefore, they give up before they even start, until a disaster strikes. Behm Law Group, Ltd. knows a thing or two about disasters. Let us worry about the bankruptcy part, while you concentrate on your new beginning.

This is your chance to rev that energy into high gear, to plan, and to execute that plan. Surviving bankruptcy will become a reality, the disaster itself a distant memory. If you encounter a bump along the way, be thankful, for you just learned something in the school of life. Make time to re-group, to plan some more, and then to execute once again.

Behm Law Group, Ltd. wants you to know every journey has a beginning. Without a dream or plan, you can’t even take the first step, unless you want to arrive somewhere else. Decide where you want to go. Use affirmations to keep you mentally positive and to keep your dream possible. Without active engagement of your plan, you will likely wallow in confusion.

Affirmations work for the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. as well. When we stand tall in front of our mirrors, the ties gets straightened, the blouses tucked just so, and we smile, because we look forward to helping Mankato residents. We also smile because we feel great at what those same residents have been able to accomplish after bankruptcy. At Behm Law Group, Ltd. we want you to succeed. It’s in our nature.

Mankato Bankruptcy Support

Behm Law Group provides more than just legal bankruptcy support for Mankato residents.

“How are you?” is a pretty common question. Akin to “Hello!” this question usually presumes a positive response. If negative, we tend to assess how negative and how much of our time will be required in listening to another’s problems. We have difficulties of our own. The mere mention of another’s problems may cause us to reflect on our own. If your friend fell on hard times and had to declare bankruptcy, nothing else is on this person’s mind. It can be overwhelming, especially if it was unexpected.

The best thing you can do is to be a friend and to listen. If that particular time doesn’t work well for you, suggest an alternate meeting. Let your friend vent for a while, but not too long. Gently steer the conversation toward active steps that could help your friend succeed. Be patient. Reassure your friend that you still value him or her as a human being. If he or she hasn’t already contacted a bankruptcy attorney, suggest Behm Law Group, Ltd. We’ll take care of your friend as though he or she were our friend, too.

Support doesn’t stop there, however. Your Mankato friend may experience depression or confusion thinking he or she is all alone. The best thing you can do is to continue to be a friend. Constantly reassure your friend that all will work out well eventually. Ask questions about how his or her journey is going and on what steps he or she is taking. Be the friendly guide that someone needs. The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. demonstrate compassion and patience as well.

Show your friend that he or she can rely on you to be there when he or she needs you the most. Too many people make a quick getaway when they receive a negative response to “How are you?” A true friend wouldn’t do that.

A true friend in Mankato responds rather than reacts to another’s admission of bankruptcy. If your friend gets stuck in a continual negative loop, help him or her climb out by providing positive steps he or she can take.

When Behm Law Group, Ltd. and you both work to be that positive influence a bankrupt person needs, eventually future conversations will take a turn for the better. The next time you ask one of your friends “How are you?” he or she will likely respond, “Fine, thanks.” Maybe you’ll even get a “great” or an “awesome.”

Your friend will feel better. You’ll feel better. Behm Law Group, Ltd. will feel better. Call us to start that positive journey.

Post-Bankruptcy Planning in Mankato, MN

Behm Law Group helps you plan for your future after bankruptcy.

Memories are eternal. Everyone cherishes their fondest memories rooted in pleasant times. Our surroundings, like a favorite restaurant or arcade, figure prominently in those dreamy recollections. No wonder we experience shock and dismay when one of those historic sites declares bankruptcy. That wasn’t just a part of any memory. That was part of OUR memory.

Although memories have already occurred, the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. believe it’s human nature to want to relive the pleasant times. Part of that re-experience involves visiting those places again. This voyage into the past can rekindle the positive energy we once felt. If, on the other hand, when a business is bankrupt, or hasn’t been managed properly, we feel unfairly cheated. It’s as though our memories were stolen from us. That can’t be, of course, because our memories took place much earlier.

Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN can look much like those mismanaged properties. The pleasant has been replaced with what we consider to be bad. We dwell about “What if?” The “what if” is possible only if you relinquish the past and grab hold of your future. Behm Law Group, Ltd. has heard countless memories. But that’s just it. They are memories.

Harness those pleasant experiences on your mind. You worked to create them before. Mankato, MN residents can work toward positive experiences after bankruptcy once again.

Historic buildings come and go. Fashions come and go. When you think about it, nothing is truly constant, because circumstances and environs change with the times. It’s inevitable. One thing is for sure though; the attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. specialize in bankruptcy. Regardless of how bankruptcy has intersected with your life, we’ve got you covered. We know bankruptcy laws, typical client experiences, and yes, something about memories too.

If Mankato residents are willing to work with us, we can ensure a more pleasant experience than what you may have imagined. Behm Law Group, Ltd. may not be able to top sunbathing on a beach in Maui…after all, this is Minnesota. But we can help you to fashion the required steps to get you to Maui and create positive experiences and memories. Are you up for the challenge?

Creating a Financial Fitness Program

Behm Law Group helps Mankato area residents get their financial lives back into shape!

When was the last time you started a fitness program? We bet you had grand visions of a svelte body with toned muscles, at least for a few weeks. As soon as the habitual necessity becomes apparent to keep that body, the newness wears off. Instead of excitement, you anticipate the gym with dread. So you eye any fitness fad with desire. Maybe something new will be better. By now, Mankato, MN residents have determined physical fitness requires a regular regimen of discipline. Pick a sport, and stick with it. You will then secure the results you seek.

The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. want you to be aware of the financial fitness program. If Mankato residents don’t understand how they arrived at a state of bankruptcy, they won’t understand how to stay out of it. Just like physical fitness, financial fitness requires discipline. These are some steps we recommend:

1) Establish a budget for yourself and your family members. Let other family members participate in the process. They will be more apt to follow the rules everyone has agreed to, if they understand what those rules mean and why they were chosen.

2) Mankato, MN residents will be more likely to avoid bankruptcy by spending less than they earn. Sounds simple, yet with rising costs, this can be a real challenge for families. Discipline will be your friend.

3) Behm Law Group, Ltd. recommends you save some money for those unexpected circumstances, another fairly simple rule that can be harder to execute with limited funds and rising costs.

4) Mankato residents: beware of those credit and debit card offers! Choose wisely based on the lowest interest fees and the company with whom you’d prefer to do business. Plan to pay off any charges within the same statement period to avoid additional fees.

5) Although our attorneys can help you in the event of bankruptcy, we’d prefer you avoid it. Regularly monitor your bank and credit card statements to ferret out any fraud and incorrect charges. It might even behoove you to get ID theft protection.

Finally, Mankato: use that discipline to only purchase those items you need. Save the wants for when you are earning more money.

Even if you follow all of these steps, the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. realizes bad things happen to good people. Practice physical fitness to feel and to look your best. Practice sound financial fitness to achieve your best. If the weight of monetary burdens leave you financially weak, call upon Behm Law Group, Ltd. to help you whip your financial woes back to fiscal fitness.