Bankruptcy Assistance in Owatonna, MN

The legal process surrounding bankruptcy can be overwhelming, both emotionally and practically. For Owatonna, MN residents who have little to no experience in courtrooms, the idea of arguing for debt relief may sound unattainable or unrealistic. However, a financial fresh start through the bankruptcy process doesn’t have to be an impossibility. At Behm Law Group, we provide bankruptcy assistance for individuals from all walks of life. If you’re not sure if you can handle or understand the intricacies of the bankruptcy process, we’re here to help.

We provide step-by-step legal support.

Our bankruptcy assistance team is well versed in bankruptcy laws and regulations. When you request support, our legal team will work with you one-on-one to walk you through the process. We don’t expect anyone filing for bankruptcy relief to walk into our office as an expert. In fact, we can help with the legal terminology, paperwork, and court requirements that come with the process.

The assumption that bankruptcy is a complex legal process is accurate, but having high-quality legal counsel to walk you through the process can make all the difference.

We individualize your bankruptcy assistance.

Starting the bankruptcy process can be terrifying. The idea of possibly losing some assets, your home, or your car can be paralyzing. The good news is that bankruptcy doesn’t mean being left out in the cold, like in the movies. The majority of people filing for bankruptcy in the modern age will not lose any property.

Everyone’s financial situation is different, so our legal team will help review your assets and finalize your bankruptcy plan going forward. Bankruptcy assistance is ultimately a form of debt relief, but it is not the end of your financial journey. With our legal support on your side, we can help you effectively achieve a more positive and much less stressful financial future.

Owatonna, MN area residents in need of bankruptcy support can contact Behm Law Group today at (507) 387-7200, by email, or by visiting our website. Call now for a free consultation and for more information on where to begin your debt relief process.

Is Your Property at Risk During a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in New Ulm, MN?

In today’s overly simplified media portrayals, the bankruptcy process is frequently depicted inaccurately. Losing absolutely everything, including your car, home, business, and all your assets, is a flawed interpretation. In the real world, when you find yourself faced with bankruptcy, it’s understandable to be anxious about what may be in store for you and your family. While it is true that bankruptcy can involve the liquidation of some of your assets, things that are considered “necessities of modern life” are exempt from bankruptcy. Behm Law Group works closely with New Ulm, MN individuals to create a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case that helps them manage their debt, identify items that are exempt from liquidation, and reclaim their financial stability.

How does Chapter 7 bankruptcy work?

Debt discharge is the main focus of bankruptcy, also referred to as straight bankruptcy or liquidation bankruptcy. It creates a debt repayment or liquidation plan that lets your life continue while simultaneously satisfying your debtors. If the word “liquidation” makes you nervous, it’s important to remember that it’s extremely rare for individual filers to lose their property during this process, as long as the proper forms are correctly filed.

What protections exist for your property?

Despite the stereotypes, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is not a free-for-all on your belongings. State and federal exemptions exist to ensure that you will not be left with nothing after bankruptcy, and in no situation will you be pulled into a courtroom and asked to empty your pockets. Bankruptcy of all types, including Chapter 7 bankruptcy, is a legal process with rules, regulations, and exemptions. Determining which of your assets are exempt or nonexempt is, in part, the role of your bankruptcy lawyer.

How can you safely navigate the bankruptcy process?

At Behm Law Group, our goal is to assist you throughout your bankruptcy and ensure that your debt discharge is fair and manageable. Straight bankruptcy is a route towards a debt-free future, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. If you’re in New Ulm, MN and are looking for comprehensive Chapter 7 bankruptcy support, we can help.

New Ulm, MN residents aiming to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy can contact Behm Law Group today at (507) 387-7200, by email, or by visiting our website to find out more.

Chapter 13 Wage Earner Bankruptcy in Waseca, MN

Bankruptcy is considered one of the last resorts for individuals struggling with debt in the U.S., so the idea of being ineligible for bankruptcy might be a startling concept. But bankruptcy is not a one-size-fits-all process, and being ineligible for one type may not necessarily mean you are ineligible for another. At the Behm Law Group, we can help you determine what type of bankruptcy meets your needs, and for many individuals in Waseca, MN, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may just be the best option.

The Basics of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

 Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as wage-earner bankruptcy, is a method of breaking your debt down into manageable payments where you pay only a portion of it over time with no interest, late fees or penalties.  Unlike Chapter 7, the time period for repayment is longer, usually three years.  In some cases, your repayment plan may extend out to a maximum of five years. During this time, your pay cannot be garnished, and your property cannot be repossessed and the money in your bank accounts cannot be seized. In a sense, it’s like hitting the pause button on your debt and taking the time you need to emotionally and mentally decompress and to get things back in order. This means your home, car, and other assets will not be at risk of being taken to satisfy your debts.

Qualifications for Bankruptcy

 As relieving as a big pause may sound, not everyone is able to utilize Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You do have to meet certain requirements in order to file. First and foremost, you must have a stable income that will be capable of meeting the payment requirements for the assigned amount of time. This is where the name wage-earner bankruptcy originates.

There is also a limitation on how much debt you can hold in order to file for wage-earner bankruptcy, broken down into secured and unsecured debts. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you navigate and calculate where your debt falls, but if you’re a billionaire, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is not for you. You will also need documentation substantiating your monthly income and your monthly living expenses, such as tax documents, bank statements, mortgage statements, and more.

Because of the meticulous documentation requirements, having a bankruptcy lawyer on your side makes the entire process much simpler and much more successful.

If you’re a Waseca, MN area resident in need of bankruptcy support or more information on wage-earner bankruptcy, Behm Law Group has the Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers you need to get started and on the road to financial recovery. Contact us at (507) 387-7200 or by email today.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Allows for Rebuilding in Owatonna, MN

It’s a common perception that bankruptcy is “rock bottom” for an individual’s finances. But the reality is much more nuanced than that. For some, choosing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is more akin to a fresh start. In many ways, the period that comes after filing for bankruptcy is even more significant than the days leading up to it. At Behm Law Group, our bankruptcy lawyers can help you come out of bankruptcy looking towards a brighter future without financial stress.  With our support, a fresh start in Owatonna, MN could be your new reality.

How Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Allows for a Fresh Start

In the context of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a fresh start means that you have an opportunity to rewrite your financial identity. This might be in the form of small efforts to rebuild your credit and change your spending habits to better suit your income, or it could entail large life changes like liquidating land or releasing a failing business to get a handle on your debts. However you’ve chosen to mediate your debts, chapter 7 bankruptcy is an opportunity to change the trajectory of your financial future without old weight lingering on your shoulders.

Bankruptcy Attorneys are Experts with the Paperwork

 To successfully file a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you need to provide your lawyer with documentation that verifies your debts and substantiates your ownership of your various assets.  In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are exemption laws that allow you to retain assets necessary to reorganize your life and financial circumstances.  While the exemption allowances are very generous, they have limits.  Sometimes, non-exempt property that exceeds the limits of the applicable bankruptcy exemptions must be turned over to the chapter 7 trustee administering the case.  The trustee sells the non-exempt assets and distributes the sale proceeds among one’s creditors.  While the bankruptcy process can be nuanced and scary, the good news is that you don’t have to navigate the process on your own.  Behm Law Group’s bankruptcy lawyers can walk you through it, explain how it works step by step, and help ensure that you leave it in a better financial position than when you entered it.

Chapter 7 Helps with Life After Bankruptcy

Once our bankruptcy lawyers have provided the legal support you need, we can also help you stay on track as you move forward into a debt-free and less stressful future. This includes providing you with direction concerning the best way to repair and improve your credit.  This also includes tips on how to determine good/constructive credit solicitations from potentially exploitative and destructive ones.  Our bankruptcy lawyers are very experienced in the practical approaches to credit recovery and they can share vital resources for ongoing financial support that would otherwise be difficult to navigate.

If you’re in a difficult financial position and are considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy or if you’re in need of legal assistance for a bankruptcy filing, the Behm Law Group can help. Contact our bankruptcy lawyers today at (507) 387-7200 or visit our website to find out more about the services we offer to Owatonna, MN residents.

Chapter 12 Bankruptcy to Support Minnesota Farmers in Worthington, MN

Maintaining a farm in a time of imports and automation can be a complex and financially stressful venture in the Worthington, MN area. But Minnesota values its farmers, and Behm Law Group is no exception. With the support of our lawyers, struggling local farms can start their journey towards financial recovery with Chapter 12 bankruptcy and continue to share in the bounty of our state for years to come.

Financial Recovery

Farming is an unpredictable profession, and few other professions are so utterly left to the whims of nature. Irregular weather patterns can impact crop yields, illnesses may leave cattle or other livestock under-producing, and market prices can spike and drop with little warning. Even a consistently effective and productive farming family can find themselves in need of financial recovery at what may feel like a moment’s notice. In these situations, it’s important to remember that legal options exist that will help you forge a path forward.

Chapter 12 Bankruptcy

U.S. bankruptcy law has concessions built in to provide relief for farmers caught in a tough spot. Chapter 12 Bankruptcy is one such concession. In order to make payments on any money owed, bankruptcy hits the pause button on your debts and gives you an opportunity to reorganize your income and debts. Reorganization under Chapter 12 bankruptcy generally gives you three to five years of structured repayment, so you can spread out any debts into manageable monthly payments instead of existing overwhelming loan terms.

Chapter 12 Bankruptcy for Farms

At Behm Law Group, our financial recovery law professionals can help guide you and your family through a farm recovery program. We’ll work closely with you to create a comprehensive and customized plan. Bankruptcy doesn’t have to feel like a losing game, and with our lawyers on your side, we can help you find your farm’s financial solutions.

Farmers in the Worthington, MN area interested in learning more about Chapter 12 bankruptcy or looking for avenues for financial recovery can contact Behm Law Group at (507) 387-7200 or our website. Call today to discuss bankruptcy options and start making a plan that allows you to keep your farm, keep production going, and keep contributing to Minnesota at large.

An Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You Understand Bankruptcy Law in Mankato, MN

The days leading up to making a decision to file for bankruptcy relief can be utterly chaotic. Filing for bankruptcy can be very stressful and scary because bankruptcy is highly nuanced and many people, including many attorneys, don’t have a working understanding of the process. With Behm Lawn Group , bankruptcy attorney on your side, you can navigate the particulars of bankruptcy in Mankato, MN and know that you’re making the best possible decisions for you and your financial future.

Bankruptcy Attorney can Help You Consider Bankruptcy

Deciding that it’s time to consider bankruptcy can feel devastating. For many, the decision is preceded by months or even years of intense financial and emotional stress. In many cases, many people invest years of hard work to try and earn enough to avoid having to consider bankruptcy.  Considering whether to file for bankruptcy relief and, after due consideration, going through the process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. While bankruptcy law can be complex, a qualified bankruptcy attorney can help walk you through the legalities of completing the process and guide you into a new, much less stressful future.

Increase Chances of Success

It’s important to understand that even if you think you have a clear-cut case, hiring a bankruptcy attorney to help you figure out a plan will increase your chances of success. Plus, having a seasoned professional who specializes in bankruptcy law can help you establish peace of mind and stability throughout the entire process. When everything else feels uncertain, having someone on your side who is very familiar and comfortable with the process can make a huge difference.

A major benefit of having an expert bankruptcy attorney is having someone familiar with all the paperwork, documents, and record-keeping necessary to reach a successful arrangement. No matter how organized you are as an individual or business owner, knowing exactly what forms and documents you need to present can strengthen your case and give you a better idea of what to expect going forward.  Missing necessary paperwork can weaken and complicate your case.

Rather than leaving anything to chance or simply a lack of expertise, a bankruptcy attorney can provide the support you need to file a bankruptcy that appropriately fits your financial circumstances. With the support of Behm Law Group on your side, you don’t need to be an expert in bankruptcy law in order to successfully file for bankruptcy relief and obtain a true financial fresh start. Our bankruptcy attorneys will walk you through your bankruptcy step-by-step and ensure that you find a financial balance that will allow you to move forward in your financial life. Mankato, MN residents in need of a bankruptcy consultation can contact us today at (507) 387-7200 or visit our website for more information.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Provides Recovery for Full Time Workers in Owatonna, MN

Coming back from bankruptcy as a fully employed worker can feel as difficult and daunting as one dare imagine. A lack of time outside of work, the stress of managing daily life or a family, and the logistics of financial stress can keep you running in place perpetually. The benefits of Chapter 13 bankruptcy are how it allows you to press pause on your debt and create a plan that will give you the space you need to make a full financial recovery. Our Owatonna, MN team at the Behm Law Group can help you navigate your way up the hill and beyond into a relieving new year.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also known as wage-earner bankruptcy or a “wage-earner plan,” as it can only be claimed by individuals with a consistent income. This may be income from social security, full-time employment, or other sources, but it must be steady. A key part of this type of bankruptcy is how much flexibility plan development allows. You will work side by side with your Behm Law Group support team to create a plan that fits your financial abilities.

Lack of Interest Accrued

A major boon to declaring bankruptcy is that interest, late fees and penalties, which cause debts to be unmanageable outside of bankruptcy, are immediately terminated. Wage-earner bankruptcy can also stop foreclosure proceedings and prevent creditors from demanding higher payments than what the court, the chapter 13 trustee and your attorney determine are fair. After developing a payment plan, individuals will have between three to five years to make their predetermined payments.

The process of developing a monthly plan is coordinated between our lawyers and you. If you are looking for a bankruptcy recovery plan that can be precisely catered to your situation, wage-earner bankruptcy might be the solution you need.

For more information about Chapter 13 bankruptcy or the other ways Behm Law Group can support your recovery in Owatonna, MN, contact us today at (507) 387-7200 or visit our website.

Navigating Debt Reorganization Bankruptcy for Businesses in Waseca, MN.

Facing overwhelming debt is beyond daunting in our current economy. For many businesses in Waseca, MN, however, debt reorganization bankruptcy may offer a path towards financial recovery. The debt reorganization process allows debtors to restructure their debts, develop a manageable repayment plan, and regain control over their financial future. If you’re a business owner struggling with bankruptcy recovery, the Behm Law Group is here to offer support and counsel throughout the reorganization process.

Debt Reorganization Bankruptcy

Reorganization bankruptcy is a structured and court-supervised approach to debt relief. It is particularly well-suited for business owners who are hoping to continue operations while addressing their debt issues. If you survive on your business, this method of bankruptcy will give you an opportunity to catch up on missed rental payments, loans, or other secured debts without risking company operations.

Stopping the Calls

This process comes with the added benefit of stopping the calls from debtors and giving you room to breathe, so to speak. Once you file, you have a few months to craft a repayment plan with your legal team and advisors. It’s a legal way to press pause without losing the business you’ve built.


Debt reorganization bankruptcy does come with limitations. If your business is struggling to make ends meet, you may still be advised to sell off assets or liquidate your business, even if it’s not explicitly required by the court. The ultimate goal may be to pay off your debt without losing your current assets outright, but if it’s not financially possible to do so, other strategies will be employed.

Making the Right Choice

If you’re not sure if debt reorganization bankruptcy is the right choice for you and your business, be sure to consult with a lawyer before filing. Making a snap decision about the type of bankruptcy that applies to your situation can lead to unexpected legal pitfalls. The legal team at Behm Law Group can help you understand the pros and cons of each bankruptcy type and bankruptcy recovery to guide you towards a complete financial recovery.

Business owners large and small in the Waseca, MN area can contact Behm Law Group today for bankruptcy recovery consultations. Make an appointment by calling (507) 387-7200 or by visiting our website to find out more information.


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Helps in Reconstructing Your Future in Mankato, MN

Rebuilding your future after Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a journey that requires resilience, determination, and no small amount of professional expertise. Though it’s the most common type of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is different for everyone. That’s why it’s essential to find a bankruptcy lawyer who will closely review your individual case and personalize your guidance. Behm Law Group wants all Mankato, MN residents to know that with the right mindset and individualized support, anyone can navigate beyond bankruptcy and on towards a brighter future.

Bankruptcy Recovery

Chapter 7 bankruptcy recovery addresses immediate financial concerns and lays the groundwork for long-term stability. It’s a chance to assess financial habits, reevaluate priorities, and make informed decisions to avoid similar pitfalls in the future. Individually speaking, your journey might begin with creating a budget, developing a savings plan, or focusing on rebuilding credit, but practically speaking, there’s a lot of paperwork and bankruptcy court filings to get through before recovery can really begin.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers

The Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers with Behm Law Group can help you handle the most overwhelming parts of the bankruptcy process. We offer guidance for everything from reviewing forms and submitting paperwork to ensuring that your assets are accounted for and protected as much as possible. You can rely on us to lead you through the entire court process and make legal decisions that will best support you going forward.

The hardest part of bankruptcy is often the tedious nature of gathering the requisite documentation. When you’re in the midst of trying to manage a new financial reality, keeping your paperwork organized can feel like half the battle. Let our bankruptcy attorneys shoulder some of the burden and walk you through what you’ll need to come out on the other side.

Rebuilding after bankruptcy isn’t just about numbers; it’s about rebuilding confidence and setting new goals. Patience and persistence are key, as recovery takes time. Mankato, MN area residents who are considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy or are in need of bankruptcy recovery support can reach out to Behm Law Group today to consult with our bankruptcy team. We’re here to help. Contact us today at (507) 387-7200 or visit our website to find out more.

Risks of Bankruptcy in Waseca, MN: When Your Spouse Is Liable for Your Business Debt

Any business venture comes with some risk. Most businesses don’t become profitable for at least two years. Unfortunately, about 20% of new businesses fail within two years; 45% fail within five years; and 65% fail within ten years of opening. There are many reasons why businesses fail, from low financing to overly rapid expansion, but the majority of business failure happens because of a complex combination of factors. If you’re facing business debt you know you cannot repay, it may be time to consider taking more direct actions to resolve those financial issues.  Bankruptcy can greatly aid your financial recovery. You need to know what the risks of bankruptcy are.

Risks of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is one way many businesses recover from overbearing debt, either in a reorganization bankruptcy that allows the business operations to continue, or with a liquidation case that cuts their losses and closes the company. If you own your business as a sole proprietor or a partnership, Chapter 13 bankruptcy could be the best choice for restructuring your company and personal debts into a repayment plan. If your business is a limited liability or a corporation, and you are ready to liquidate and shut down operations, Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be the best answer. Behm Law Group Ltd. can help individuals and small businesses filing for Chapter 13 or 7. Our attorneys provide legal protection and guidance throughout your case, including giving important information about the benefits and risks of bankruptcy in Waseca, MN, and the surrounding area.

In the Risks of Bankruptcy Usually Benefits Outweigh Risks

In most situations, the benefits far outweigh the risks of bankruptcy if you’re in the right circumstances to file an individual or business case. However, the structure of your business determines who is responsible for the business debt included in your case. In some instances, you and your spouse may both be personally liable for business debts.

First, you are always responsible for your business debt if your company is a sole proprietorship or if you are a general partner in a business. If this is the case, your personal and business debts would be included together in your bankruptcy.

Business Debts is

If you and your spouse own a business together and the business is structured as a partnership, both the individual debts for you and your spouse and the business partnership debts would need to be included in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case.  Another example where you and your spouse would be personally liable for business debts in a bankruptcy case is if your business is a corporation and you and your spouse signed personal guarantees with the creditors. In this case, even if your business is organized as a limited liability company or a corporation, you and your spouse would be personally liable for any business debts.


For more information about why the benefits often overrule the risks of bankruptcy in Waseca, MN, and the local region, contact Behm Law Group Ltd. by calling (507) 387-7200 or emailing