What Happens to My Tax Debt When I File For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN?

Behm Law Group provides bankruptcy consultation and advice for Mankato-area residents.

The word “bankruptcy” creates visions of having no money and no way out. There is more than one type of bankruptcy, however. If you are contemplating bankruptcy and want to know which course you should take, contact the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd.

A Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows Mankato residents to set up a payment plan whereby some dischargeable debt may be discharged at the completion of that plan. In the case of tax debt, under Chapter 13, the entire tax debt has to be paid off within 60 months. However, you would not incur penalties or interest on that tax debt.

The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd would like you to plan ahead for tax season. You should be putting together your receipts and other paperwork to prepare for 2014 taxes. Rather than wait until the last minute, Mankato, MN, why not start saving the money you expect to pay for taxes. If you are coming up short to the point bankruptcy is a possibility, give Behm Law Group, Ltd a call.

Taxes never go away. If allowed to accumulate, the tax debt you owe can appear insurmountable. It’s a fact that inaction, when dealing with a problem, can lead to negative reaction or continued non-action, neither of which will solve your money issues. Add forward momentum by taking that first step in Mankato, Minnesota. Contact the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd .

Knowledge is power. Instead of guessing or imagining all possible scenarios, just find out the facts. Maybe bankruptcy wouldn’t be best for you. We’ll let you know that, too.

If Chapter 13 bankruptcy fits your situation, Mankato, then the next step is to form a plan to pay off any tax debt as well as other non-dischargeable debt. Every situation is different. Behm Law Group, Ltd’s attorneys can definitely help you. We will clarify the bankruptcy laws for you, so you understand exactly how you are affected and what you can do about it.

Just think, positive forward momentum leads to freedom of debt. You will have an opportunity to start fresh, create a budget, and stick to it. Soon, living within your means will become a habit.

Mankato, Minnesota, the bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd are ready to serve you when you need help. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving!