How to File for Bankruptcy with and without a Bankruptcy Attorney

If you’re struggling to meet monthly debt requirements as an individual or a business, you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy as a long-term debt relief solution. Filing for bankruptcy may seem like a drastic choice with some negative effects on your credit, but in reality, bankruptcy has helped thousands of debtors regain their financial footing and improve their quality of life with the reduction of debts.


If you’re planning on filing for bankruptcy, there are several ways to do it, with or without the assistance of a bankruptcy attorney. At Behm Law Group, Ltd., we know that there are many individuals who can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney in Jackson, MN and the surrounding area, and we want you to know your options.


Filing for bankruptcy is a legal process that’s done through the U.S. bankruptcy court system. Because of this, it requires a comprehensive amount of documentation and paperwork that covers your entire financial history, including debts and income. In addition to the required paperwork, there’s a significant amount of pre-bankruptcy requirements that must be done before you file a case.


Filing a petition is a complex process where one will greatly benefit from the guidance of a trained legal professional. With or without an attorney, there are four main ways you will file:


  1. Attorney filer: If you can afford a bankruptcy attorney, you’ll have the easiest and most positive experience in filing. An attorney will do many things for you throughout your case. Learn more about what an attorney does here.
  2. Non-attorney petition preparer: If you absolutely cannot afford an attorney and can’t find one that will offer pro bono services, you can use a bankruptcy petition preparer instead. A petition preparer will fill out documents and forms for you and give them to you to send in.  The BAPCPA has guidelines and warnings for working with a petition preparer.
  3. Federal bankruptcy forms: To prepare your petition yourself, it’s recommended you visit a legal aid center for guidance on how to file. You can access the federal bankruptcy forms on the U.S. court website and download all the documents you’ll need to fill out. These templates, while standardized, do not provide any guidance on filling them out.
  4. Bankruptcy software: Filers can pay to use a software program that functions similar to online tax programs. The program will walk the filer through their financial records, asking questions and providing digital forms. However, these programs can be inaccurate because they can have issues translating the more nuanced parts of a filer’s financial circumstances and they are not always accurately updated in a timely way.


In general, taking advantage of the knowledge and legal protection of an attorney is the best-case scenario for putting together your petition and filing your bankruptcy. To learn more about filing for bankruptcy with or without the help of a bankruptcy attorney in Jackson, MN, contact Behm Law Group, Ltd. today at (507) 387-7200, or