Reopening Your Case with the Help of a Bankruptcy Attorney in Mankato, MN

If you recently filed a bankruptcy case and before you could receive a discharge or reorganization of your debts, your case was dismissed, don’t give up yet. There may be a chance you can reopen your case and successfully file for bankruptcy. Because there are many reasons why your bankruptcy case might be closed before it affects any of your debts, it’s highly advantageous to have the help and protection of a certified legal professional from the start. Whether you’ve filed and had your case closed or you are just considering bankruptcy as an option, Behm Law Group Ltd. can provide the guidance and advice you need from an expert bankruptcy attorney in Mankato, MN.


Cases are often closed due to an issue in the pre-bankruptcy requirements or in the paperwork you completed. Bankruptcy paperwork can be complex, and the pre-bankruptcy requirements are mandatory and can be rigorous. That’s why a case closure is frequently due to a failure to satisfy a court requirement.


Failure to:

  1. List an asset: If you neglected (accidentally or otherwise) to list an asset/property on the initial documents you are required to complete in your bankruptcy case, your case can be dismissed. However, if your case is originally dismissed due to your lack of accurate asset listing, you can reopen your case with the corrected paperwork. The guidance of a bankruptcy attorney is often key in filling out bankruptcy documents regarding assets.
  2. List a creditor: Even if a creditor will not be involved in the bankruptcy process in any way, you are required to list all the parties to whom you owe money. This includes lending companies, landlords, the court system, the government, and even friends and family. If you fail to list a creditor, chances are you can reopen your case with adjusted documents and direction from a bankruptcy attorney about the details of your creditors.
  3. Complete credit counseling: Every filer has to attend court-approved credit counseling sessions within 180 days before submitting a bankruptcy petition. Without the advice of a bankruptcy attorney, it can be difficult to find an approved counseling provider or to understand when a provider might take advantage of your situation. If your case was dismissed because you failed to complete credit counseling, you can reopen your case if you prove you’ve satisfied that pre-bankruptcy requirement.


To reopen you case, you simply have to correct anything you failed to do and submit an application that explains why you want to reopen your case. With that application, you also need to submit documentation that proves you have remedied any failures in the original submission. To learn more about reopening a case and why the help of a bankruptcy attorney in Mankato, MN, is important, contact Behm Law Group Ltd. at (507) 387-7200 or via email at today.