Creditor vs. Debtor: Getting More Out of Your Case with a Bankruptcy Attorney in Mankato, MN

Bankruptcy is designed to help individuals and businesses recover from debt and continue to participate in the global and national economy. While bankruptcy offers what’s essentially a government-sanctioned financial backup plan, it’s not a bailout to simply rid yourself of debts with no concern for your lenders. When you file for bankruptcy, the process will work to create a balanced outcome for you and your creditors. If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, do it with the help of a Behm Law Group, Ltd. bankruptcy attorney in Mankato, MN to get the most out of your case.

Bankruptcy is a fair system, balanced in regards to your creditors and yourself, and it allows you benefit greatly from the process with the right approach and with the help of a skilled bankruptcy attorney.


Chapter 7

 If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy by passing the Means Test, the vast majority of your debts will be discharged, except for student loans, child support and alimony and certain tax debts.  However, even student loans, child support and alimony and certain tax debts can be discharged in certain circumstances.  If the total value of your assets exceeds the amount you can protect/keep with your applicable bankruptcy exemptions, the excess, non-exempt value will be distributed among your creditors.

  • Good for you: In this process, you get the benefits of debt discharge. Most of your debts including credit card debt, medical bills, old utility bills, bad checks, overdraft fees from bank accounts, debts from foreclosures and repossessions of vehicles will be discharged and you won’t have to worry about those debts again
  • Good for your creditors: Your creditors benefit from the liquidation of your non-exempt assets, which gives them a return on their loans they may not have received if you did not file for bankruptcy. In most cases, however, people do not lose any assets and all they lose are their creditors/debts.
  • How to do better: With the help of a Behm bankruptcy attorney, you can pick your way through this nuanced process. Our bankruptcy attorneys can help you work through choosing exemptions, filing a joint case with your spouse, protecting your bank accounts, working around foreclosure, and more.


Chapter 13

This process of bankruptcy works to reorganize your debts into a new repayment plan that spans three to five years.

  • Good for you: This process structures the repayment plan around your current income and expenses, so you won’t struggle to meet payments. You’ll also only have to repay your unsecured creditors a portion of what you owe (0%-100%)
  • Good for your creditors: Your secured creditors generally get repaid in full but at a lower interest rate in this plan, and while your unsecured creditors only receive a portion, they’ll still see a return of what they’re owed
  • How to do better: When you work with a Behm Law Group, Ltd. attorney to structure a repayment plan proposal, you have a better chance of fair unsecured debt repayment, flexibility in your payment plan over the years, and protection from creditor harassment

If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, keep in mind that the process will maintain a balanced treatment for both you and your creditors. With the support and legal savvy of a Behm Law Group, Ltd. bankruptcy attorney in Mankato, MN, you can file a stronger, more successful case. Contact us at (507) 387-7200 to get started today.