Good Faith and Debt Repayment Plans With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in St. Peter, MN

Your disposable income plays a large part in determining your path when it comes to filing for bankruptcy as an individual. This income is taken into consideration with your debts and the value of your assets and properties. The result decides whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If your results don’t pass the Means Test, you may opt to work with a bankruptcy trustee to build a repayment plan and file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you’re considering filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in St. Peter, MN, Behm Law Group, Ltd.  can provide legal assistance with your repayment plan and your petition.

A debt repayment plan with Chapter 13 bankruptcy is designed to reorganize your standing debts while keeping things balanced and fair between you and your creditors. You can’t propose a repayment plan to your trustee and the courts, however, if you don’t prove your good faith in repaying debts in full within a five-year period.

Good Faith:

Filing your petition for Chapter 13 bankruptcy covers most of the required information, forms, and schedules for the process, but you must also provide your proposal for a repayment plan. The outline of your plan proposal describes your monthly payments towards priority debts, secured debts, and unsecured debts, and the term in which the selected amount of those debts will be repaid. This is where your “good faith” comes in.

In order for your petition to be fully-approved by U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, your bankruptcy trustee must be able to approve your good faith in using all your disposable income to meet your monthly repayment requirements.

Lacking Good Faith:

There are several reasons why your bankruptcy trustee may determine that you’re not in good faith for your repayment plan. Most of the time, if you’re lacking good faith, there will be some inconsistencies with your income, deductions, or petition. For example, if your current monthly income is subject to change during your repayment period and you do not notify the courts, your plan may be denied. If you’re found lacking in good faith, you may respond with an explanation, and your trustee may reexamine your standing.

Behm Law Group, Ltd. can help you navigate the process of determining a repayment plan and holding a good faith standing when you file your petition for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in St. Peter, MN. If you’re considering bankruptcy contact us at (507) 387-7200 today.