The Strange (and Unnerving) History of Bankruptcy

If you’re struggling with financial hardship, you are not alone. Today, over 38 million people in America live at or below the poverty line. While finances should never be paired with human decency, unfortunately for hundreds of years, they have gone hand in hand with social comment. In years past, millions of people living in

4 Most Common Types of Bankruptcy Fraud

In the United States today, bankruptcy law has many rules that serve to prevent fraudulent cases. Despite these rules, there are times when trustees catch mistakes or intentional abuse, which results in a case being dismissed, the denial of debt relief or the filing of criminal charges.  With the exception of a filer intentionally committing

Increased Rates of Small Business Bankruptcy in Coming Months

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the global economy have been rapidly and frighteningly apparent. With stay-at-home orders and nonessential operation shutdowns now in place, many businesses have experienced layoffs, requested extensions on payments, and filed for government aid. Despite the large-scale federal stimulus package distributed after the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic

Working through COVID-19-Related Delays, Cancellations, and Court Closings with a Bankruptcy Attorney

During this time of a global health crisis, everyone is dealing with shutdowns of nonessential businesses, government organizations, and nonprofit services. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has also effectively forced the shutdown of most court operations in Minnesota. So, for example, if you are working through a civil case, contesting tickets and other civil infractions, or

Debt Assistance in a Major Recession

Despite the $2.2 trillion stimulus package of the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act in March 2020, the impacts the novel coronavirus is having on the local, national, and global economies will most likely continue, potentially causing a recession that may result in the same severities as the 2008 Great Recession. In fact,