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Behm Law Group, Bankruptcy Attorneys

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Filing for Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN, with an Income of $100,000

January 29th, 2018 · No Comments

Bankruptcy in the U.S. is designed to help those struggling to meet their financial obligations and debt payments each month. Because bankruptcy is generally linked with extreme financial circumstances, it’s a process that’s often associated with low incomes and financial destitution. There are many cases, however, when an individual has a high income yet still qualifies for bankruptcy. Even if you have a steady, high income, bankruptcy might still be the right option for you. Behm Law Group, Ltd. offers legal advice and counsel to those considering filing for bankruptcy in Mankato, MN.

Many reasons exist why an individual consumer in the American economy might have accumulated debts they are unable to handle. Credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and medical bills are the most common causes of debt that can lead to a bankrupt household, even with a high income supporting that household.

The median income in 2017 was approximately $60,000 a year, but with the financial pressure of debts, bills, and everyday expenses, many households that earn median or higher incomes struggle to make ends meet.

A recent NPR story interviewed several households across the country. Each household in this story had an income higher than the national median, yet each still faced financial difficulties. The balances of the household debts and incomes were close, and many had higher debt-to-income ratios than families who get by just fine on incomes lower than the national median.

Because of this debt-to-income ratio, each of these households could benefit from filing for bankruptcy and receiving debt relief in the form of liquidation (Chapter 7) or debt reorganization (Chapter 13).

Chapter 7 With a High Income

It’s possible for households with an income higher than the state median to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Most households that qualify will often have incomes lower than the median, which allows them to automatically pass the Means Test. However, you can still sometimes pass this test if your total monthly household income is less than your total monthly household living expenses.

Chapter 13 With a High Income

If you don’t pass the Means Test, you may still file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy your debts will be restructured, and you’ll only be required to repay a fraction of your overall total debt.

Even if you have a high income, you may still benefit from filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Contact Behm Law Group, Ltd. today at (507) 387-7200 for more information about filing for bankruptcy in Mankato, MN.

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