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A House Fire Can Lead to Bankruptcy: Fire Safety Tips for Mankato Homeowners

October 12th, 2014 · No Comments

A house fire can produce devastating financial hardship. Follow these tips to protect your Mankato home from a fire.

Halloween can be great fun. Costumes and trick-or-treating cultivate grand memories. Two caveats are in order. First, watch those candles. Who hasn’t put candles in carved-out pumpkins or even on the windowsill? If left unattended, flaming candles can lead to large fires. Behm Law Group, Ltd. recommends either using flameless candles or monitoring the flames of the other variety. What Mankato, MN resident wants to experience bankruptcy due to fire devastation?

Please, enjoy the holidays. Just be careful. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may or may not be unscathed when an accident occurs. Even if the flame doesn’t touch a flammable object, the freshly melted wax is hot. Does the wax drip on wood, for instance? Not a good scenario. If need be, snuff those flames to prevent them from getting too hot. You can always re-ignite candles during dinnertime for that soft, flickering glow. Of all the things that could cause bankruptcy, Behm Law Group, Ltd. would hate for the cause to be a preventable accident.

Did you know, Mankato residents, that kitchen fires are one of the leading causes of destructive fires in the home? When you are making those gooey, spooky delicacies, be mindful of what you’re doing. Don’t keep the oven on when not in use. Don’t put something flammable on top of or in a hot oven. Attend to any appliance that’s in use. Bankruptcy in Mankato, MN is not fun. It’s even less fun when you know it could have been prevented.

Behm Law Group, Ltd. suggests you don’t light candles when you are tired. Once you sit or lie down after a hard day’s work, the lure to sleep can be overpowering. You wouldn’t want to awake to a burning home. Use caution. Be safe. Keep your home intact and bankruptcy at bay.

Sleep deprivation works against you when cooking, too. You thought you turned the burner off. But, then, maybe not. Don’t be caught off guard. Who wants to cook when tired, anyway? The bankruptcy attorneys at Behm Law Group, Ltd. wouldn’t. If you do happen to have an accidental fire, and bankruptcy looms in Mankato, contact Behm Law Group, Ltd. We can help you through the fright and fear of a ghoulish bankruptcy. Let us do our “tricks” and treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve. And, above all else, have a safe holiday!

Tags: Bankruptcy Advice · Behm Law Group ·


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